I will try to give a weekly progress report on TJ's reading once a week. I will definitely be making videos of his progress in the future, but as of right now there is nothing to really tape.
We have been watching the Starter video two times a day as recommended by Dr. Titzer. TJ seems to be pretty neutral on the video still, he gets neither excited nor upset when I put it on. He has to sit in my lap the entire time the video is on though, as he is not really glued to the screen and he will roam off into another room if I sit him on the floor. He is learning the words presented on the video as he did not know all of them. He is not reading any of the words, there is a very very short delay in between the time the word is flashed on the screen and the voice says the word. He is hearing the words and responding to the sound of the voice, by clapping, pointing to his nose or toes, or waving, etc. He does not necessarily need to see the subsequent image of the words in order to respond, the sound of the words is enough right now.
I know that something is taking place in his brain where he is connecting the print images on the screen with the words. Here's how I know. This morning Daddy (also known as 'addy) was watching the news, and a commercial for Six Flags came on. On a plain white background, they flashed several words on the screen. I can't remember what it was, but it was like the name of some event they're having, and the price of tickets, or something like that. TJ came over to me sitting on the couch, climbed on my lap, and pointed to his nose! I'm not sure if he thinks all of the words say "nose" or if he was thinking the Your Baby Can Read video was on, but I found it interesting that he was showing me that he was making connections. I think that within a week he will completely understand that the print images on the screen represent a spoken word or that they represent a thing or action, or maybe even both. I love my little smarty pants, he's doing so well and making me feel like this project is worth it. I continue to celebrate the small things!