Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eye Popping Blog

Ordinarily, I would not post about coming across an interesting blog, but I have to share this one with all of you because I probably spent over 2 hours scouring the posts yesterday.

As the mother of a son, this blog gives the sociological and statistical backing to my observations of older boys and men around me. I am glad to know that I am right to worry, and that I am right to take action as well. Additionally, in my previous post I detailed the hurdle I have encountered simply finding appropriate books for my child. Part of it is because he is a baby, but in previewing what is available for him in the future, the pickings are rather slim in this category. I actually hope he matures past this level quickly so he can get to the "good stuff" earlier and can keep an enjoyment for reading intact.


  1. Very interesting site, thanks for sharing. I have read, here and there, many things related to that issue, but never anything as in depth as the research and literature that this site offers.

    "The Mortenson’s famous “for every 100 girls..”" section was jaw-dropping - I had heard statistics like that before but never as many shocking numbers as that!

    This is one of the main reasons I am homeschooling my son. The modern educational system, as well as multiple other factors, are certainly not boy-friendly, nor friendly to the making of real men. Thanks again for sharing.

  2. This blog has been a shocker for me too. It's not just in our heads, this is a crisis.
